
Introducing the most powerful Tesla Model 3!

Introducing the most powerful Tesla Model 3! With a 0-100km/h acceleration in 3.1 seconds, Chongqing's first refreshed version of the Tesla Model 3 Performance has arrived. Let me share a few impressions with some sneak peek photos: 1.  Let's start with the conclusion. Apart from the impressive specifications that the Model 3 has always had, the overall design is captivating. 2. My favorite aspect is the newly designed sports seats, which provide excellent support and are more comfortable than the previous Model 3 and Model Y seats. They are the most comfortable Tesla seats I have ever experienced. 3.The newly designed thin-spoke wheels look fantastic, and the red brake calipers are a compelling reason for me. 4.The front and rear bumpers have been completely redesigned, giving the car a more impactful appearance compared to the standard Model 3. Personally, I prefer the Model 3 Performance, and I believe there will soon be third-party modifications available on certain platfor

Why are bus drivers in Seoul so aggressive?

Recently, the weather has been good, and the cherry blossoms have bloomed, so I took the bus twice. The first time was to go to Samseong, and the driver looked very old, with all-white hair. He drove aggressively, rushing through red lights before they turned green. Instead of yielding to slower vehicles on the road, he just kept honking the horn, urging them to move faster. The most outrageous part was when an SUV in front was making a turn, and there were pedestrians on the crosswalk. The bus driver kept honking loudly, causing a disturbance, and he was muttering curses. The second time was to go to Seoul Forest. The driver appeared to be a man in his 50s. He also drove aggressively, constantly honking the horn whenever there was a vehicle blocking the lane, whether it was a bus or a car. During the journey, there was a person with disabilities sitting in a small four-wheeled wheelchair for disabled individuals. The driver of the SUV behind the wheelchair, possibly trying to protect

A truly conscientious car manufacturer! Investing a whopping $10 billion in research and development.

Tesla's annual R&D investment exceeds $10 billion, which is over 70 billion Chinese yuan! But have you noticed that Tesla's vehicle models seem to have little variation? So, where does this massive R&D budget go? Recently, Elon Musk tweeted on the X platform, "Tesla will invest approximately $10 billion this year in comprehensive training and reasoning artificial intelligence, with the latter primarily used for vehicles. Any company that cannot achieve this level of expenditure and cannot spend efficiently will not be able to compete." From the very beginning, Tesla established a unique product design principle: sticking to first principles, focusing on ultimate performance, pursuing sleek and diverse exterior designs, and constructing vehicles using high-strength martensitic steel, which is not easily modified once finalized. The same applies to the hardware of the three-electric systems. This doesn't mean Tesla is standing still. On the contrary, through

The current most handsome Mazda, the CX-50, is it worth it?

There is a saying in the automotive circle, "Mazda's exterior design never disappoints, except for the CX-30 EV." So, at first glance, I believe most people will be attracted by the handsome front fascia of the CX-50. The iconic wing-shaped grille, matched with narrower headlights and the "forehead" created by the extended hood, gives the CX-50 a deep and fierce gaze, completely different from the harmless styling of an ordinary family SUV. The extensive crossover body kit around the vehicle is cleverly designed by Mazda and does not compromise the overall posture of the car. Instead, it brings a sense of wild power, creating a completely different feeling from the CX-30 EV. At this point, you have to admire Mazda's design prowess. The side profile of the all-new CX-50 demonstrates Mazda's persistence in traditional car styling. Although it is a transverse engine model, the length of the CX-50's hood has reached the level of longitudinally engine mod


  媽媽在TikTok上PO了送女兒生日禮物的經歷,預想中是女兒會露出驚喜的表情,卻沒想到女兒對1600美元的現金都不管,還因為不是平治(Mercedes-Benz)而大鬧一番,行為引發了網友的批評。 女兒看完禮物後卻一臉失望,不滿地說她不喜歡這部特斯拉,想要的是粉紅色的平治。即使媽媽解釋買不起,還送了1600美元的現金,女兒依然不領情,最後只是痛批女兒忘恩負義的行徑。 這名媽媽的經歷引發了網友的熱烈回應,有人留言說希望這是演的,有人留言說這樣的女兒不值得禮物,還有人留言說把禮物拿回去花在自己身上。

全新 Apple Watch 將帶來更強大體驗:預測明年上市的三款

  市場分析公司 Omdia 最近發布了報告,預計 Apple 將在2024年推出 Apple Watch Series X,有可能以Series 10命名。最重要的改進之一是增加屏幕尺寸。Omdia 預計今年推出的Series 9將與Series 8相同,但明年的Series X將增加到1.89和2.04英寸。 Omdia 的報告指出,Apple Watch Series X的屏幕將由LG Display供應,使用的是LTPO面板。他們認為Apple有可能在2023年底發布,然後在2024年推出Series X。另一款將於2024年推出的新手錶,Omdia認為是Apple Watch SE(第三代),屏幕尺寸為1.71和1.92英寸,這個LTPO OLED面板將由JDI提供。 至於去年推出的Apple Watch Ultra,Omdia 分析師認為將每兩年更新一次,在2024年推出新版本。第二代Ultra不僅將採用microLED屏幕,而且尺寸將增加到2.13英寸,解像度540x440或556x452,成為史上最大的Apple Watch產品。


美國國會將討論《香港人權與民主法案》,一旦通過將有機會制裁香港官員。民建聯主席李慧琼及副主席周浩鼎早上和美國駐港領事史墨客會面。李慧琼在會後形容,法案是過度反應和沒有必要,因為特區政府已正式撤回《逃犯條例》修訂,「措施係無必要,美國唔應該干預其他地方事務。」 李慧琼進一步提到,《香港人權與民主法案》顯然是影響和干預其他地方的內政事務,斥責立法是不恰當,又認為這不是國際的慣常做法。李慧琼又「分析」,在中美貿易戰下,立法只會令中美關係更為緊張,甚至影響全球經濟。 周浩鼎提到,如果一旦通過《香港民主人權法案》的立法,中央更可能會有反制措施。他透露,民建聯已對領事要求,必須對美國國會議員反映意見。 對於林鄭月娥表示,下周將會落區開展對話,李慧琼稱歡迎,認為當局多層次地行出第一步,能釋出善意。她強調,即使如法國黃背心運動,亦不是一次溝通便能處理,「大家俾個機會政府先啦。」